Osteopenia is a condition where less than usual. It is considered by many physicians to be the forerunner. However, not every person diagnosed with osteopenia will develop osteoporosis. In particular, osteopenia is defined as
to -1. 0 and 2. 5. [Osteopenia was defined in June 1992. The Expert Group agreed that the term means, bone density, which was one lasix without a prescription standard deviation lower than the average 30-year-old white woman. The team also identified osteoporosis as bone density 2. 5 standard deviations or more below that 30-year-old;
before it was used only in cases where elderly fracture or broken bone. Osteoporosis epidemiologist who participated in determining the criteria in 1992, said: "It was simply to point to the problem" and said that "he had no specific diagnostic or therapeutic value. It's just meant to show the huge groups that looked like they might be at risk. "
Definition remains controversial. Steven R. Cummings, for, said that in 2003 "There is no reason, no biological, social, economic or treatment basis, no reason" to use one standard deviation. Cummings added that "As a result, however, more than half the population randomly said that they state they have to worry about."
[Pharmaceutical company that sells anti-bone loss drug, estimated in 2003 with their market research, which is about 8000000 women found that osteopenia and about a third of them were with osteoporosis drug. [Bone Scan in any part of the body can be done using X-ray known as DEXA (
). Scanning can also be done with portable scanners using ultrasound and portable x-ray apparatus for measuring density in the heel. Research paid for Merck found that the extent to which osteopenia was diagnosed varied from 28 to 45 percent, depending on the type of machine. Merck took an active part in promoting the deployment of cheaper scanners to be used on the extremities, so that they could be used more widely. However, clinical application of scanning compared with scans of the main body is controversial. [How to osteoporosis, osteopenia is more common in postmenopausal women as a result of loss of estrogen. It can also be enhanced by lifestyle factors such as sedentary lifestyle, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking and prolonged use of glucocorticoid medicines, such as proposed for the treatment of asthma. Condition may occur in young women who are athletes. This is >> << syndrome as one of the three components, two Further
and. Female athletes tend to have lower body weight, decreased body fat percentage, and higher incidence of asthma than their less active counterparts. Low estrogen levels (stored in fatty tissues) and / or use of corticosteroids for asthma can significantly weaken bone over a long period of time. Long-distance runners, in particular, is also recommended to use dairy products at school, which would lead to lower calcium absorption than other groups. He is also a sign of normal, unlike
, which is present in pathological aging. [Treatment of osteoporosis is controversial. Currently, candidates for therapy include the highest risk of osteoporosis, bone fractures, based on
and clinical risk factors. In 2008, recommendations
(Nof), based on the risk of (WHO) fracture risk Assessment Tool (FRAX). According to these recommendations, consideration should be therapy for postmenopausal women and men over age 50, if one of the following are present:
T-score of 2. 5 on the neck of the hip or spine, excluding secondary causes
T-criterion between -1. 0 and 2. 5 on the neck of the hip or spine >> << and 10-year probability of hip fracture ≥ 3% or judgment clinicians in conjunction with patient preferences indicate treatment for people with 10-year fracture probabilities above or below these levels. (It is noteworthy that the first two terms of identifying individuals with osteoporosis. Third condition corresponds to people with osteopenia, such as T-score between -1. 0 and 2. 5).
In pursuing drug therapy, treatment includes drugs with a range of actions. Commonly used drugs
including, and
; (SERMs), such as,, and. Studies have shown that the real benefit of these drugs may be negligible. About 270 women with osteopenia may be treated by drugs for three years, so one of them could avoid a fracture of the vertebrae. been approved in 26 countries in Europe and the UK, being found for the formation of bone and by slowing down >> << and incentives. Phase 3 clinical trial nearing completion in the U.S.. Other (natural) form available strontium include,, and. Food sources include spices (especially basil), seafood, whole grains, root and leafy vegetables and legumes. Strontium should not take calcium to improve absorption. [[[, Washington University Department of Radiology
Kelleher, Susan (26-30 June 2005) ...... January 30, 2008 .. Murphy, Kate (September 7, 2009) .... .
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