Friday, February 24, 2012

In fact, most traditional cancer treatment

Coordinate human cellular immune response Up-regulation of immune functions

lactoferrin is relatively new

admixture, which bore an unusual amount of interest

past year and a half due to the number of medical articles

touted its application to cancer therapy. This apparently caused

majority of excitement that I should try >> << agreement with a nutritionist. To understand what all the fuss >> << I >> << I will first describe

that lactoferrin is that he does, and then examine it

related to cancer and other diseases. Cytokines, coordinated action in response to lactoferrin is a matter that belongs to the family of chemicals called cytokines

. Cytokines are responsible for coordinating

human cellular immune response that protects us from most

infections, cancer and tumors. Lack of cytokines can lead

on the immune system and excess cytokines may

create overly active immune response. Lactoferrin works

regulate cellular immune response at several levels >>. In healthy people << lactoferrin is front >> << defense system that protects our body openings like eyes

mouth, nose and other openings from infectious invasion. The second aspect of lactoferrin is its unique ability to communicate with

iron, an essential mineral used by a wide range of pathogens and tumors

for reproduction and growth. Performance of infectious >> << call or tumor, healthy body will react by producing

lactoferrin in abundant quantities in the region

infection or tumor. Lactoferrin will bind with iron and make it available >> << to bacteria or tumor, causing malnutrition situation

and effectively starving the bacteria or tumor. Lactoferrin

does not remove iron from the body and over time deteriorates

release iron back into the body. A third and important level of activity is that the special sections

lactoferrin molecules are themselves toxic to

bacteria, yeast and mold. It appears also that lactoferrin inhibits

replication of several viruses, including HIV, and some >> << herpes family of viruses. So it is absolutely wonderful stuff >>. << There are many studies on the functions

lactoferrin and lactoferrin level research

in patients. Lactoferrin first came to attention as a result

excellent paper written by a researcher AIDS

discussion of the role of lactoferrin in AIDS. This is the primary research >> << that lasix furosemide really caused the production of lactoferrin as

supplements up-regulation of immune function More recently read health newsletter article focuses on one amazing

case, lactoferrin was used in the treatment >> << mesothelioma, lung cancer associated with asbestos. The patient, a friend of the author's article, treated

Dr. Corsello in New York. The article sounded as if the patient just this

lactoferrin, and then recovered. Sounds easy, but it's not exactly

situation. Its also bad because people

contact me in my technical >> << consultant seeking information about cancer treatment lactoferrin, but lactoferrin

not in terms of cancer treatment in general. Full story on sick Corsellos, it was the full program >> << alternative medical interventions, including vitamin C

drips and everything like that. They are really werent

particularly good results until the program >> added lactoferrin. << The result was a fairly complete recovery from

type of cancer that is extremely dangerous. Now it is quite

fine, but I sincerely doubt that lactoferrin alone could provoke

as dramatic results as they reported. The essence here is that lactoferrin is a very reasonable >> << and important component of immune therapy. People with cancer

almost uniformly immuno-suppressed and, unfortunately,

Conventional cancer therapy is likely to pay attention to the

to improve immune function. In fact, most traditional cancer treatment

is immuno-suppression in their own right. The importance of lactoferrin and other substances that regulate

top immune function in this very dangerous disease

usually not resolved. One of the main things I do as a consultant

food is a combination of traditional therapy with

immune-supporting supplements. Organizing >> << comprehensive program to each individuals specific needs

with their disease and type of conventional therapy

they get the results we would get very,

very impressive. Other areas where lactoferrin supplements may be related >> << if HIV and chronic viral infections, including chronic fatigue

. Ive used lactoferrin in low doses

people who could not be classified as suffering from

chronic fatigue or other illnesses, but feel

low energy and had a food allergy. I found that these people

seemed to feel a little better, and more >> << energy after lactoferrin. Recommended dosage It did not take a large dose of lactoferrin to see results. Improved immune regulation requires dosage of

200 to 400 milligrams, taken in one dose at bedtime. This

The most common time to take it to the immune regulatory purposes and

will not disturb sleep in any case. I havent run across doses above 1400 mg per day >> << unless the doctor was going after the actual infection >>. << One interesting example of this was the patient >> << suffering from gastritis, which was probably caused by h-pylori bacteria.

After treatment by high doses of lactoferrin,

was complete disappearance of all symptoms. Although we saw no problem with taking large doses, one

research on animals using very high doses resulted in some damage

gastrointestinal mucosa. In terms of human feedback, lactoferrin is relatively harmless

matter, though, if you take too much of it

can cause diarrhea or falling energy. Reduction >> << if this happens. Where lactoferrin come from? Lactoferrin derived from

colostrum, which is the first liquid that comes out of mother <<? >> Breasts after childbirth. For any of >> << day and a half to three days, produces a fluid that

not milk, and a mixture of IgG and 15-20%

lactoferrin. Our source of lactoferrin extracted from cow colostrum

highly purified and not reactive allergically

even in people who are extremely allergic to milk. If some people

may be a reaction to all colostrum, lactoferrin

so well filtered and cleaned, that none of andogen

, sensitive components of milk are present. Recall that lactoferrin is an extremely powerful and important tool

improve cellular immune function. But serious diseases >> << I would strongly recommend to get in touch with a nutritionist or a

nutritionally oriented doctor of some sort >> << develop a comprehensive program. - Meditation,

altered states, relaxation, improved learning and memory,

relaxation anti-stress, conscious dreaming, improved sleep, hemispheric coherence

and enhance << ; corpus callosum >> connection. Audio Technology.

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